Become A Patent Agent

An Open Letter To Science Majors Who Want To Earn Big Money Even in This Down Economy

Dear Friend:
Are you a science major who is about to graduate? Or have you graduated, only to find out that there aren’t many jobs for science majors without a graduate degree? Are you struggling to pay off your student debt or working several jobs to earn a living. Finally, does the idea of spending another 4-10 years in graduate school not appeal to you.
If so, this may be the most important letter that you ever read. I am going to let you know about a 100 question multiple-choice test that could completely change your life.
Its’ called “The Examination for Registration to Practice in Patent Cases Before the United States Patent and Trademark Office” and is also known as “The Patent Bar”. It’s the test that lawyers take to become patent lawyers, here’s the great news!

You Don’t Have To Be A Lawyer or
Even Go To Law School To Take It

That’s right! All you need to have is a good moral character and a qualifying undergraduate degree to take the test. When you pass the test, you earn the title of Patent Agent. That means that you can do the same things that a patent attorney could do without spending 3 more years in law school and having to pass a bar exam!

I Have Never Heard Of “Patent Agents” What Do They Do?
Where Do They Work? How much do they make?

Patents are hard to get and expensive. A patent gives the patent-owner the sole, worldwide, right to produce and sell their invention for 20 years

Do you use a Blackberry? In 2000, all Blackberry units in the United States were almost shut down because of a patent dispute. A company called NTP sued Blackberry’s company (Research In Motion), claiming that the Blackberry system infringed on its patented “System for Automated Messages.” They won damages and an order requiring Blackberry to stop infringing on their patents. This could have shut down every Blackberry in the United States. The United States Justice Department and the Department of Defense got involved because of the large number of Blackberry units used by the government, as well as the risks to national security. The case eventually settled for $615 Million Dollars.

In 2009, The USPTO rejected 93% of the 400,000 patent applications. Patents are hard to get and expensive. When someone applies for a patent, the USPTO  has to make sure that the invention has not already been patented by someone else, or that it doesn’t infringe on an existing patent. They also have to make sure that all of the legal and technical requirements have been met before issuing the patent. People applying for patents have a much greater chance of getting their patent when they hire a patent agent.  

bA College Degree Alone Won’t Help You Get A Better Job

Here’s some sobering information about the state of the job market

·      "People with bachelor's degrees will increasingly get not very highly satisfactory jobs," said W. Norton Grubb, a professor at UC Berkeley's School of Education. "In that sense, people are getting more schooling than jobs are available. "Of the nearly 1 million new jobs created since hiring turned up in January, about half have been temporary census jobs. Most of the rest are concentrated in such industries as retail, hospitality and temporary staffing, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.[1]

·      According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 24% of college graduates who had applied for jobs were hired.

What Can You Do?

That’s a good question. You could tough it out in the job market, taking low paid or part time jobs without benefits in order to make ends meet. You could get a teaching certificate and teach elementary or secondary school students. That will require spending more time and money on your education. Also, many cash-strapped school districts have been forced to lay teachers off. Others have been forced to accept pay cuts in order to keep their jobs.
Graduate school is another choice. You could get a Master’s Degree or PhD. That will take several years and cost thousands of dollars. When you get the degree, you still may have trouble landing a high-paying job. More and more colleges and universities have cut back on tenure-track faculty positions. Instead they have hired part-time adjunct faculty. 
You didn’t go to college to work part-time jobs, work in retail or food service, or for the census bureau. However, it is not hopeless.

Becoming A Patent Agent Will Give You
The Most Bang For Your Buck!

According to the American Intellectual Property Law Association’s 2009 report, the annual 2008 income for patent agents ranged from $110,000 to $121,000. That’s more than most tenure-track professors. You can become a patent agent in only a fraction of the time that it would take to earn your masters and doctorate degrees.

In the sciences, it takes approximately 2 years of full-time study to earn a Masters degree, and an additional 6 years to obtain a PhD. At the end of their programs, 60% of students still owe education debt. These amounts can be staggering. The average debt ranges from $31,000 to $61,000, but an astonishing 7% of students owe in excess of $80,000. That is as much, if not more, than most first-year salaries.

Each time you take the patent bar exam it will cost $500.00. There is no limit to the number of times that you can take the test. Some people learn the material simply by reading the Manual of Patent Application Procedure and studying the old exams. Both the manual and old exams are available for FREE at the USPTO website.  You can take the test many without ever approaching the cost of even one semester of graduate school. 

According to, the bottom 10% of Patent Agents earned almost $64,000 salary plus bonuses. The bottom 25% earned more than $70,000 and the top 25% earned 102,000 to $119,000. I don’t know about you, but I like the idea of entering a field where I could earn as much or more than a PhD holding university professor.

To Take The Exam, You Need A Good Moral Character and
Scientific Qualifications! You Don’t Even Need A Science Degree!!

If you don’t have a good moral character, I can’t help you.
There are many ways to show that you have the necessary scientific qualifications. Here’s how: 
  1. Earn a bachelors degree in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, or Engineering. Or 
  2. Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, or 
  3. Take 40 semester hours of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Courses. (These can be taken at a community college and don’t have to lead to a completed degree). Or 24 semester hours of physics for physics majors, or 32 semester hours of physics, chemistry or biology, or 30 semester hours in chemistry for chemistry majors.

This Test Is Hard, But Do-Able

The Patent Bar is an Open Book, 100-question, six-hour, multiple-choice test. You are provided 3 hours to complete 50 questions in the morning, and another 3 hours to complete 50 questions in the afternoon. It covers United States Patent and Trademark Office procedures, ethics rules, federal statutes, and regulations. All of the questions come from the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). 

You can take the exam by computer at any one of several hundred Prometric locations around the country. You can take a pencil and paper version of the test once per year at the USPTO’s office in Washington DC.

Once your application has been approved to sit for the exam, you must schedule and take the exam within 90 days with Prometric.

Only 90 of the questions actually count towards your final score. The other 10 are beta questions that may be used in future exams. They are indistinguishable from the questions that count. To pass, you need to correctly answer 70% of the 90 questions (63 out of 90 questions).
Don’t Be Fooled, Although It Is Open Book,
 You Have To Know Your Stuff

If you take the pencil-and-paper test, you will be allowed to use a printed copy of the MPEP. Online test takers can use a searchable .pdf version of the MPEP.

The printed MPEP resembles a large-city telephone book. It is written complex legal language in very small print. Since you have less than 2 minutes per question, there is no way that you can simply look up the answers, so you must master the material before taking the exam.

How Long Does It Take To Get Ready?

Only you know how long it will take you to get ready for the test. Some people spend thousands of dollars on live 7-day workshops to prepare. Others study full-time for one to six months. But, with focused preparation, you can be ready with 60-120 hours of total study time. Here’s why:

The USPTO has released copies of the questions and answers to their previous tests. Anywhere from 10% to 25% of these questions will be repeated word for word on future tests. People report that by simply answering and re-answering old questions, that they were able to recognize and instantly answer these questions.  

Also, because the test is to ensure that patent agents and attorneys are able to properly help patent applicants, some topics are more important than others. You don’t need to know the whole MPEP, but only the parts that appear on the test.

Tell Me More About Your Course

Everyone learns in different ways: some people prefer to read, while others learn better by listening or watching videos. Other people prefer to keep answering exam questions over and over until they master the material. Our program uses a blended-learning approach to fit each type of learner. Here’s what you will get:
  1.  Video Lectures From a Patent Attorney Explaining The Most Important Points for Each MPAP Chapter. 
  2. A patent-attorney prepared written study outline for each MPAP Chapter. 
  3. Released Exam Questions For Each Chapter so you can learn the ways in which that specific material is covered.
  4. Additional Questions and Answers from unreleased exams.Practice Exams
  5. Test Taking Tips and Techniques.

All of the materials, including updates, will be sent to you via e-mail. You can begin using them as soon as you sign up:

What is A Resource Like This Worth?

You could spend hours hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to prepare for the Patent Bar Exam. You could also attend live classes or buy other materials for $5000, $6000 or even $10,000.  We are offering our materials for the low price of $497.00. Why are we offering it for such as small fraction of its true value? Since our costs are so low, we figure that we will be able to offer these fantastic resources (which if you follow) could increase your earnings by tens of thousands thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars during your career to the people who need it most. And make my investment back over time.

Besides, these materials are all distributed online and you can get started in as little as 5 minutes from now. No printing costs, shipping, postage, delivery or handling charges. No matter what, it’s a bargain for you. Yes, we plan on raising our prices. Once I get a few more testimonials from satisfied customers, the price will go up. So, you’ll want to be quick if you want to save some bucks. That’s why you should order today.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Hey, you're my customer. And if you're not happy, it looks bad on me. So if you're not happy, I don't expect ... or want ... to keep your money. Just simply whip off an email to me and I'll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I'd be embarrassed to keep it).

But, the course is yours to keep as a thank you gift from me. Okay, so you really can’t lose. It’s yours to keep no matter what.

P.S.  Still Not Sure? Fill out the form below and I will send you an application to take the patent bar and a free report about the advantages of becoming a patent agent.

[1] Los Angeles Times June 10, 2010